Lilypie Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Five Months Old

Our sweet baby girl has had such a tough week leading up to her five month birthday yesterday. She had surgery to remove a blockage in her left kidney last Friday and while the surgery was a complete success and we went home Saturday afternoon, she was back in the hospital Saturday night with an infection which made her very ill. Fortunately, the hospital took great care of us and Avery is on the mend and feeling much better! So we are home and she is recuperating with the help of Nana and Papa Carter. We appreciate all of our family and friends for their support, concern, prayers and thoughts, especially Nana & Papa Carter and Car Car & Poppy Eschen who were there for the surgery and helping us out so much in the hospital and at home.

Even though Avery has been through so much recently, she tries to be her usual happy self as much as possible! Here is the chair picture I took last night. She is getting so much more hair!

I took these pictures last night too. Papa and Jason were showing Avery Harrison's choo choos, and she liked picking them up and playing with them.

Harrison quickly got down on the floor to investigate the choo choo situation. He was not very happy to be sharing his prized possessions with his sister! So we took a lot of time explaining to him about sharing toys, etc. It finally paid off this morning when he handed Avery a choo choo to play with (even though he wanted it right back)!

She was so cute, reaching out trying to touch him and grab his face!

I thought this was a cute picture of her. Her daycare teachers emailed this to me!

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