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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our Latest Obsessions

Are you asking yourself, you mean, besides choo choos? Yes, we have new obsessions!

First, Avery's is dogs. Doggies. Doggies. Doggies. She says it all the time, and she LOVES them. She is not afraid of them AT ALL. She made best friends with Will and Megan's two labs, and there are dogs everywhere in California so she was in heaven. Then at Sam Kuehn's birthday party there was a little dog there, and she played with it for TWO hours straight and did not touch a single toy while we were there. She wasn't even interested in cupcakes. Just throwing the ball to the dog.

Avery actually is in love with all animals, but she calls them all doggies. She can say "kitty," "duckie," and "bird" so she'll call those by their right names, but every other animal is a doggie, whether it's a horse, sheep, elephant, monkey, pig, or alligator.

Here is Avery acting like, well, a doggie! Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery.

Harrison's new obsession is puzzles. And I am happy to stoke the fires on that one. We are so proud of him, I have bought lots of puzzles (thank goodness for $2.99 24-piece ones at Target) and he can do them all by himself on the first try. He exhibits so much patience while doing them, and really concentrates hard. Then when he his finished, my heart melts because he is so proud of himself!

Here he is, surrounded by some of his new puzzles.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

California Dreamin'

The kids and I took a week-long hiatus to visit Will and Megan out in lovely Santa Ynez, California. The land of great hair weather and In and Out burgers. Poppy and Car Car were wonderful to let us tag along with them and we really appreciate everything they did for us. We are also so grateful to Will and Megan for hosting the whole gang in their gorgeous home. I was so glad Harrison and Avery got to spend some time with their aunt and uncle, and their two sweet doggies! Avery fell in love with Maggie and Bailey. She and Maggie were best buds the entire trip.

We watched Will play softball the evening we arrived. The sunny sky fooled the kids into getting on Pacific time right away!

Walking around Solvang is a true joy. It's so picturesque, and it even has a wooden shoe a child can fit inside.

Enjoying more of beautiful Solvang!

Megan's parents' gorgeous backyard.

Avery loves Uncle Willy and Aunt Meg!

Walking around beautiful Santa Barbara. Have I mentioned that California is beautiful?

Walking on the beach.

We ate lunch on the beach and it was perfect, because all of the kids got to play in the sand while we ate!

Uh oh, I think Maggie won that wrestling match!

One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Neverland! He we are in front of one of the iconic images, the train station. No surprise, it was Harrison's favorite part.

Hmmm, we think we could live here!

Walking the grounds around the Neverland pool. Such a wonderful opportunity and great memories!