Lilypie Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Avery's First School Party

Our big girl had a fall feast at her school on Wednesday. Since she loves to eat (and Mommy was there) she had a great time!

Head of the table, of course.

Hey, where's my plate?

Mmmmm, Chick Fil A. I wish all parties had a nugget tray.

A Rice Krispie treat for dessert! What a way to end the party!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Should We Do On A Rainy Day?

How about paint?

Even the littlest one likes it. She likes it so much, she wants to paint her hands.

Harrison says most of the pictures he paints are chickens, and they are almost always for Daddy. Aw!

I asked her to say cheese, and I got an extreme closeup!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween X 2

Having two trick-or-treaters this year made for a very fun Halloween for us all. Harrison wanted to dress up as Thomas (for the second year in a row) and when I asked him what Avery should be for Halloween, he said, "a butterfly"! Perfect. So our little train and little butterfly had a great time at the neighborhood Halloween party and trick-or-treating at a couple of houses afterwards.

This was Harrison's fall party at his school, his first taste of Halloween 2009!

All dressed up for the big block party!

All lined up for the costume contest. Notice Thomas and Darth Vader checking each other out.

Once Avery noticed a doggie sitting in a truck at the party, she was pretty much uninterested in anything else. They became very good friends.

The first house had a "take what you want" basket out front - awesome!

Our favorite neighbor, Mr. Kurt.

They LOVED all their candy and had a great time looking at all the kids who came to our house for candy! What a fun Halloween, see you next year!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Quick Look Back

Avery is 18 months old today! What a big girl she is. Her vocabulary and memory amaze us every day. She can say almost every word she hears and knows hundreds of words. She's putting them together into short sentences too! Avery started a Mother's Morning Out program in September and while the first month was tough for her with a lot of separation anxiety, now she is an old pro and enjoys herself at school with no crying at all.

Her favorite things are animals (specifically, dogs and cows), reading, drawing, dancing, singing, and anything her brother is playing with (specifically, trains, cars, and trucks). Her favorite song is "Old McDonald" and she can do the E-I-E-I-O very well. Other favorites are "Twinkle Twinkle" and Mommy's favorite ABBA/Mamma Mia songs (specifically, "Honey Honey" and "I Do I Do I Do"). She is very outgoing and friendly, always saying and waving hi and bye-bye to people unprompted. We love her laugh and her smile, she is the happiest girl in the whole wide world!

A look back at two months old.....

......six months old...... year old......

......and today, eighteen months old!