Lilypie Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day in Citrus County

We had a great, long, Memorial Day weekend in my hometown. In between thunderstorms that is! Well, we had fun even when it was raining. Which was a lot. It wasn't so great for the golfers, though. We did fit a lot in, including our usual trip to the Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park, a puppet show at Car Car's school, a cookout at a neighbor's house, a cookout at my parents' house with lots of family, and lots of pool time (or as Harrison would call it, "the pool of water").

There were many animals at the park to see - a hippo, a bear, flamingos, manatees, etc. - but the most fascinating? A grasshopper!

Avery's an old pro at the big Fishbowl.

Did you see that fish jump??

Family picture!

The Carters and the Diffenderffers, pretending they are out on the boats behind them drinking many cold beverages.

I loved this, all five of our boys together looking out on the water.

We got to meet Baby Molly Diff for the first time! She slept the whole time, but I could still tell how sweet she is.

I am such a big girl now, walking around everywhere and talking! And I almost lost my shoe in the Homosassa River, just like my mommy did about 25 years ago.

SBs together, once again. How sweet it is.

Hanging with Poppy on the couch.

Sometimes, the only way to eat blueberries is shirtless.

Harrison has always loved the pool, and thankfully Avery followed in his footsteps! She was obsessed with it, and we had to be really careful because she just wanted to walk/jump in all the time by herself. Daredevil!

This is the best!

Lighting the candles on Mandy's birthday cake.

The kids in their Gator gear. When in Rome......

Aunt Nancy was Harrison's new favorite pool buddy!

Sharing fun moments in the pool of water.

Snacks by the pool. Does it get any better than this, Mommy?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Should Tiger Woods Be Worried??

Harrison went to the driving range with his Daddy for the first time this Memorial Day. He did a great job! He is such a little man carrying his golf bag. We were very proud of him for being so patient, listening, and having fun.

Fun with Friends

It was Teacher Appreciation Week at Harrison's and Avery's old preschool a couple of weeks ago, and we went to say hello and have lunch. It had been at least two months since they left. We had a great time. We spent a majority of our visit in Harrison's old classroom, where we ate lunch when we first got there. Even Avery sat down and ate with the big kids! We also went to Avery's old classroom and saw her teachers. She showed off her new walking skills, and they loved her long hair and new teeth.

All of the kids remembered Harrison, it was so cute! He went in and didn't skip a beat, just sat down and started eating.

Avery held court, as she always does.

Harrison's faaaaaaavorite teacher, Ms. Kira! He loves her so much! And I know he misses her.

We love and miss Ms. Ernestine and Mrs. Iris too!

Reading a story together.

Dancing with Henry's mommy!

Here's a recent visit we had with another friend, Miss Lauren. We went over to her house last weekend to meet her new baby sister, Marissa.

Marissa is so sweet and precious! We had a great time visiting with the Sagers and enjoying their new addition to the family.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Big Birthday Party!

We had a GREAT birthday party!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy First Birthday Avery!

Our little girl turned ONE on May 1st!! We can't believe a whole year has gone by already. It feels like yesterday that we left for the hospital and she came into our lives. I can not imagine a world without Avery, she is the most precious gift!

This will be our last chair picture. It was definitely the toughest one, she does NOT like to sit still, even for a second! Avery is the picture of health these days. We haven't had a doctor visit related to kidney issues or ear infections for at least three months now. So we consider ourselves very blessed. At her one year appointment, she weighed 22 pounds and 10 ounces (75th percentile) and was 31 inches tall (as usual, 95+ percentile!).

Avery is walking more and more each day, I think she will be full-time very soon! She climbs on top of and out of everything, she is our little monkey. She is starting to say a few more words. She says, "uh oh!" and "ball", and can sign "more" and "all done". She signs "more" a lot these days! Her favorite activities still include wrestling with her brother and playing with his toys. She is quite the little tomboy, and continues to hold her own with Harrison. I also tease her about her sassiness, she is Little Miss Sassafrass! She definitely has a temper to rival her brother's, and is not afraid to throw herself dramatically on the floor when she doesn't get her way. Oy, think of what the teenage years hold for us!

We love you sweet Avery girl! Happy Birthday!