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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Catching up on Fall

So my plan is to buy a new camera tomorrow, finally. All of these pictures were taken with my iPhone! Here are some things we've been doing so far this fall.

I've been cleaning out our closets, and found some hand-me-down toys from my aunt and her family. One popular one has been this castle set with lots of knights, horses, and dragons. It's a big hit with the kids, and even mommy likes it because of her previous obsession with the legends of King Arthur (love you, Lancelot!).

One of Avery's favorite things to do is to delicately place and arrange things, like her little farm animals, tea set accessories, and now the knights. It's cute how serious she is setting up treacherous scenarios with these sword-wielding and fire-breathing toys.

I thought this was so sweet, my two girls!

Miss Hip Hop Girl.....Jason loves this photo! Her new thing is wearing other people's shoes around the house, so she put on Harrison's tennis shoes and then I put her cute little hat on.....look out, Beyonce.

Making new friends at Caitlin's softball game.

Celebrating Caitlin's big win!

Harrison and I took a weekend trip to NC for Wake Forest Homecoming. Avery was ill, so she and Jason stayed behind. Harrison ended up being kind of under the weather while we were there, but we still had a great time staying with the Gallimores and seeing my old friends from school.

Go Deacs! It was fun to see a big win!

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