Lilypie Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Harrison turned 13 months old today, and he also happened to choose today to make walking his primary means of getting around! He took his first steps about 2 weeks ago, and since then has been making great strides (ha ha) in taking more and more steps. For the past few days, he has been doing sort of a 50/50 deal, walking half the time and crawling half the time, but today he's really started just mostly walking. It has been so much fun watching him learn. Here are a few action shots (no stunt doubles were used).

I think these are my favorite PJs!

Mowing the carpet

Trying to get the camera.....

It is so convenient to carry things in my mouth instead of my hands!

He has also really enjoyed getting used to climbing on his castle.

Well, and through the castle too!

Shimmying up the slide!

I had a REALLY fun day walking!! Now when does the running start??

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