Lilypie Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Howell Family Reunion

Quick Harrison update before the weekend update........he had his one year appointment last week and weighs 23 1/2 pounds (50-75th percentile) and is 30 inches tall (75-90th percentile). As usual, his head was in the 90th percentile (48 cms)! He is off the bottle now and loves drinking his whole milk out of his sippy cup (and Mom and Dad's pocketbook loves not having to buy formula anymore!).

So, we went to Montgomery this past weekend to visit with Jason's cousin Simuel and his wife Jen, and their two ADORABLE little girls, Ellie and Gwen. Jason and I haven't seen Simuel and Jen since our wedding, and we went to visit them in Pittsburgh about 6 years ago, but it really has been a long time since we spent some quality time with them. They were down visiting Simuel's dad, Uncle Jimmy, and his twin brother, Uncle Jerry, in Mobile and ALL the Howells came to Montgomery for a big visit with the Carters! We had a great time despite the rain (which was very much needed). Jeremy and Susan Carter came to visit as well (Susan is expecting their first child in January!), and there were croquet matches, grilling, frozen drinks, and many, many Yahtzee games!

We picked Daddy up at his office on our way to Montgomery!

Taking a bath in Nana and Papa's big tub. Ellie, Gwen and Caitlin helped!

Bartender, can I have another?

So what are you guys talking about over here?

Harrison loved going out in the morning and watching the birds eat out of the bird feeders. There were so many of them!

Helping Daddy set up the croquet course. It was fashioned in true Carter style, with ramps and everything.

Ellie and Gwen gave Harrison some birthday presents which was so sweet of them! Harrison loved watching the girls, and Gwen was so cute - she would walk around beside Harrison and pat him on the head like a doggie!

Here is an antique high chair that Jason, Simuel, Caitlin and Harrison have all used in their lifetimes! They all took turns sitting in it!

Uncle JC is a big dude - I'm glad I'm related to him!

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