So my camera broke while we were at Neverland Ranch in July. I think it was the curse of Michael Jackson, I must have disappointed him with my poor dance moves while touring his studio. Well, I took the camera back a month later, and I still have not gotten around to buying a new one. Hence, it's been a long time since I've updated the blog. So here are a few that I have taken over the past couple of months with my iPhone!
Two long legged blondes, having snacks at the park.

Dressed in their Deacon and Hokie gear for the first college football Saturday of the season!
Avery outgrew her highchair, so we got them both new booster seats at the kitchen table. They love their new set up.

Gracie broke her foot, so we've been taking her to the vet to get checked on every couple of weeks. The kids love to play under the vet's table, and I love it because it keeps them entertained while Gracie's getting bandaged or X-rayed.

I couldn't resist this last one, Jason took it with his phone this afternoon after Avery woke up from her nap. She was very fussy when she got up so we guessed she didn't get her nap out, and to prove it, she laid down on the floor and went back to sleep for another 20 minutes!
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