This will be our last chair picture. It was definitely the toughest one, she does NOT like to sit still, even for a second! Avery is the picture of health these days. We haven't had a doctor visit related to kidney issues or ear infections for at least three months now. So we consider ourselves very blessed. At her one year appointment, she weighed 22 pounds and 10 ounces (75th percentile) and was 31 inches tall (as usual, 95+ percentile!).
Avery is walking more and more each day, I think she will be full-time very soon! She climbs on top of and out of everything, she is our little monkey. She is starting to say a few more words. She says, "uh oh!" and "ball", and can sign "more" and "all done". She signs "more" a lot these days! Her favorite activities still include wrestling with her brother and playing with his toys. She is quite the little tomboy, and continues to hold her own with Harrison. I also tease her about her sassiness, she is Little Miss Sassafrass! She definitely has a temper to rival her brother's, and is not afraid to throw herself dramatically on the floor when she doesn't get her way. Oy, think of what the teenage years hold for us!
We love you sweet Avery girl! Happy Birthday!
1 comment:
What a big girl!!! Happy (belated) Birthday, Avery! Can't wait to see you all soon.
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