She climbs into and on top of everything now, you really have to keep a close eye on her. She is SO close to walking, and even took her first steps last weekend, but not many since. Avery is almost off of the bottle now too, she is such a "big girl" with her sippy cups and table food. She'll try pretty much any food, but her favorites include crackers, strawberries, grapes, raisins, and cheese. She even tries to wrestle Harrison, and is already so good about standing up for herself when he tries to take toys away! Avery is definitely pretty aggressive
When I got Harrison's hair cut last weekend, I had to have the lady take a swipe at Avery's bangs too since they were getting so long and in her eyes. I don't count it as her first hair cut, though, since there was so little to save!

adorable and you are so right, where did that year go! love to all Mimi
She is such a Happy baby!
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