Avery turned one month old yesterday! I can't believe how fast the time is flying. She is such a sweet little girl, we are so blessed to have her. She continues to sleep and eat well, and is starting to react more to sounds and voices around her. She also "smiles" more now, which we know is probably not a real smile, but it's cute just the same. She is also taking after some members of my side of the family with a serious case of male pattern baldness, as she has lost most of the hair on the top of her head! She loves to sleep in her swing and her moses basket during the day, and is getting used to spending time in the Baby Bjorn and the bouncy seat. Every time we give her a bath, she cries less and less, so I hope she's getting more used to it and enjoying it more. Harrison continues to be good with her, saying "uh oh baby" when she cries, and "night night baby" when she's asleep! He likes to hand us her pacifier too, which is nice of him to think of her.
Avery had her one month appointment today. She weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces (75th percentile) and was 22 inches tall (75th-90th percentile).
I'm going to try to take a picture of Avery in her pink chair every time she turns a month older so we can see how much she's growing!

Here's a close-up, you can see a little bit of the male pattern baldness.
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