Avery Gwendolyn Carter was born on Thursday, May 1st at 10:23 AM. She was 8 pounds even and 21 3/4 inches long. We had such a good experience with the birth this time around, knowing what to expect. We are so pleased and pleasantly surprised that Harrison is doing so well with the new "bay-bee" around the house. He offers her kisses without been prompted, and even offered her a bite of his cracker yesterday! A couple of times, out of the blue, he's clapped his hands and said, "Yay Baby!" which really made us laugh. He hasn't really been jealous of me holding her and feeding her which has definitely been a surprise.
Right now, my mom is staying with us for the week helping out, and then the Carters will come next week to do the same. We are SO very blessed and thankful to have all the help and support of our family and friends! Thanks to all of you for everything!
We took this belly picture right before we left for the hospital.
One last picture of the three-member Carter family!
She's here! All cleaned up after her first bath.
This is the first time Harrison came to the hospital to see her. She didn't hold his interest for very long though, unless she was making noise!
Miss Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed!
Holding her paci in all by herself - already an overachiever.
All dressed up in her "going home" outfit!
Heading out to the car where Papa Carter is waiting for us.
It's funny how the car seat makes her look so small. She slept the whole way home.
Relaxing at home. More pictures to come!
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