Jason and I went to my ultrasound on Wednesday and we found out we are having a perfectly healthy baby girl! We are so thrilled with the news. She was very active during the ultrasound, twisting and flipping all around, just like her brother did. She could also be stubborn about moving her hands out of the way (also like her brother!) and the nurse joked to us that we were going to be in big trouble with this active, stubborn little girl! The coolest part was when she seemed to very clearly wave at us, and we got a great view of her little hand. We waved back and said hello! Now it's time to start thinking of names, decorating a nursery, and doing all sorts of fun girly stuff!
We told Harrison he was going to have a baby sister and showed him her ultrasound picture. He pointed at it, but that's about it! He's real good about seeing pictures of babies and signing "baby", but when I point to my stomach and do the same thing, he doesn't quite get it! He'll have a few more months to get used to it.
Here's my first belly shot with this baby. I am DEFINITELY bigger at this point (19 weeks) than I was with Harrison! And she's quite a kicker already!
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