Harrison is 11 months old today! He went to the doctor today for a check up and he weighs 23 pounds and is 28 1/2 inches long. Such a big boy! He is pulling up everywhere and is really close to "letting go". I think the day when he stands on his own is right around the corner (and then walking!). He can say "Ma Ma" and "Da Da" and "Ba Ba" (Ba Ba means lots of things.......bottle, bye bye......). He also has 6 teeth now.....his two front teeth are halfway in and he just cut his eye teeth. Here are some recent pictures!
No more spike/mohawk! Mommy is so sad!

Look, only one hand! I do this all the time now!

Gracie is still his best buddy.

We had breakfast with Willy and Megan on Sunday at one of our favorite restaurants, the Old Hickory House. It was so good to see them! Megan moved here last weekend so she is officially an Atlantan now!

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