Avery is 18 months old today! What a big girl she is. Her vocabulary and memory amaze us every day. She can say almost every word she hears and knows hundreds of words. She's putting them together into short sentences too! Avery started a Mother's Morning Out program in September and while the first month was tough for her with a lot of separation anxiety, now she is an old pro and enjoys herself at school with no crying at all.
Her favorite things are animals (specifically, dogs and cows), reading, drawing, dancing, singing, and anything her brother is playing with (specifically, trains, cars, and trucks). Her favorite song is "Old McDonald" and she can do the E-I-E-I-O very well. Other favorites are "Twinkle Twinkle" and Mommy's favorite ABBA/Mamma Mia songs (specifically, "Honey Honey" and "I Do I Do I Do"). She is very outgoing and friendly, always saying and waving hi and bye-bye to people unprompted. We love her laugh and her smile, she is the happiest girl in the whole wide world!
A look back at two months old.....

......six months old......

.....one year old......
......and today, eighteen months old!