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Monday, November 17, 2008

Will and Megan Eschen!

Congratulations to Will and Megan! We had such a wonderful time celebrating their marriage out in California. It was our first plane ride with the kids and they did beautifully on such a long trip. Harrison was thrilled to see Will and Megan, he misses his old Atlanta buddies!

Thanks to Poppy, Car Car, Mandy, Burls, Owen and Karen for all of their help during our travels and the stay in CA. Thanks to the Rogowskis for being such excellent hosts! And most of all, thanks to Will and Megan for just being THEM - the smart, funny, loving, beautiful people you are. You deserve each other!

Mom and Mandy, I stole some of your pictures to post - they were so good! :)

Mr. and Mrs. Eschen!

Two good looking dudes. I'm so proud to be related to them.

We spent a lot of time pumping Harrison up for his ring bearer responsibilities!

He did a great job walking down with the aisle with Megan's sister, Kristen, and her son Ryan.

The sisters with their babies!

My mom took this shot, even though it's not that exciting of me and Avery, it's a great shot of the head table and the decorations, and the beautiful sunset in the background.

The wedding cake was beautiful and delicious!

A couple of shots from San Francisco. Here we're having a snack at Fisherman's Wharf.

This is one my favorite all time pictures! Jason took this on the boat cruise, I love it!

I think this picture sums up the trip for the Carters and the Grimes - beer, wine, baby bottle. Great pic, Mandy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Six Months Old

Avery is now six months old! She is still extremely active. She can roll over either way now (front to back and back to front) and can almost sit up all by herself. She loves the exersaucer and the jumparoo still. Her favorite activity is to play with Harrison. Sometimes he'll hold her hands and sing Ring Around the Rosie to her, it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. The sun really rises and sets on Harrison for her, as long as he's around, she is happy.

Her latest stats are pretty amazing - she is still in the 75th-90th percentile for weight at 17 1/2 pounds, but at 28 inches long, the nurse said she is "off the charts"! So I guess that means the 100th percentile?? We looked back at Harrison's stats, and he was 27 inches long at six months old, and that was the 90th percentile for boys. She really will be six feet of sunshine one day like beach volleyball player Kerri Walsh (and is over two feet of sunshine now)!