Avery was four months old on September 1st, so I am a little late on the update! She had her doctor's appointment this past Monday, and she is 15 pounds even (75th-90th percentile) and 25 3/4 inches long (90th percentile!). The first time the nurse measured her she got 26 inches and she thought she did it wrong so she made us try it again and that's when she got the 25 3/4. But I thought that was funny, Avery is so tall she made the nurse second guess her tape measure! So she has almost doubled her birth weight and has grown exactly four inches since she was born.
She is developing so rapidly. She still loves her bouncy seat and exersaucer, but has moved on to the Jumparoo as well. She stands and bounces and sways from side to side, I think she has just as much fun as Harrison did with it. She also just started laughing this past week. If you tickle her or make really funny noises she just giggles and giggles, it is so cute. She still loves watching Harrison, always smiling at him, trying to get him engaged I think. He's interested sometimes, but most of the time he's still got his own agenda. She really is the sweetest, most easy going baby ever, always happy and talking, and is sleeping very well now! We could not be more blessed with our two little ones.
I made sure I took this chair picture ON her four month birthday. We had just arrived back at home from our Labor Day trip to FL around her bedtime, so I brought her upstairs right away, put her in her PJs, took the picture, then put her bed! And, of course, she still has a smile on her face like always, even after a 7 hour car ride! Actually, that's probably why she's smiling, being so relieved to be out of the car seat.

This was so awesome.....Gracie went and laid down next to Avery as close as she could, and Avery looked right over and reached out to touch Gracie and proceeded to "pet" her, touching her ear and her face. Gracie was loving it, and it was so cute! My girls bonding. FYI - Gracie is wearing an e-collar to keep her from licking her freshly stitched wound, poor girl!
Here's our big girl enjoying the Jumparoo!