Harrison and Avery are both growing up so quickly, right before our eyes. Harrison talks a mile a minute now, learning new words all the time and putting them into short sentences. Our ability to communicate with him better helps a lot with the frustration on both of our ends! Avery is so active, constantly looking around and talking all the time. She loves watching Harrison and lights up and smiles when he's in the room or hears his voice.
Here's our big girl with her name on her pretty shirt!

Harrison and his friend Henry talk to each other and play very well together, and even sit side by side and drink juice!

Both boys are so big now that they even have driver's licenses. Just kidding, I'm hoping that's a ways off. Here they are playing in the minivan, wishing they could drive around!

Avery is getting so big, that she can go in the exersaucer now! She started in one at school, so this is the first time she went into ours at home. Her facial expressions and reactions were SO funny!
Oooo, that dragon scared me!

This thing plays music AND lights up??? What will they think of next?

Harrison, of course, loves to play with all of the baby toys, every time we bring one out he's all over it, checking it out. It's probably a lovely walk down memory lane for him. I'm trying to teach him to "play" with Avery and share her toys, especially while she's in the saucer.