Well, the Easter bunny (AND his tail) came to the Carter house this past Sunday and Harrison must have been a very good boy because he got lots of neat stuff. Here he is checking out his Easter basket for the first time.
He got some "choo choos", Da Da is helping him with one below. When you blow the whistle, Thomas moves around!
He also got a Play Doh set and had fun mashing it in his hands.
We did an Easter egg "hunt" in our front yard........he didn't quite understand the concept of holding the basket and putting the eggs in there, so we just set the basket on the ground and let him find the eggs and bring them back to the basket!
Will and Megan came over to have brunch and check out the Easter bunny loot.

We made Harrison interrupt his T-ball practice to take a picture with us!!!
The best part was opening and closing the eggs.....
Later on in the day after his nap, we took him to Hammond Park and played there for about an hour and a half. He thinks he is such a big boy, he wants to go down all the big slides and climb on everything there is. I think Da Da had as much fun as he did!