Happy New Year!!
Harrison had his 18-month appointment right before Christmas. He weighs 26 pounds (50-75th%), is 33 inches tall (75%), and his head circumference decreased from the 95% to 90%! Way to go Harrison, growing into your head!
We spent Christmas in Montgomery this year at Nana and Papa Carter's house, with Caitlin and Jeff too. We had many fun days there, including a trip to Autauga to do the annual Dirty Santa get-together with the extended Carter family. We must have been very good this year, because our car was packed to the brim on our way home to Atlanta with our gifts from Santa!
Harrison was enamored with Nana and Papa's Christmas music box.

He also loved watching Nana cook and wanted her to hold him all the time. We finally just pulled his high chair up to the stove!

Playing SO nicely with Hadley while we were in Autauga. They were so cute together, each one handing toys very gently to the other to play with and taking turns! Brooke and I were very pleasantly surprised (and a little dumbfounded)!

Christmas morning! Santa brought Harrison his own set of junior golf clubs, some books and DVDs, a cookie jar, and some sports balls.

Daddy showed him how to use his clubs, and he is a pro already!

He got a nice indoor set of plastic golf clubs from Jeff and Caitlin which he loves. He can whack that ball real good!

Saying bye-bye to Caitlin. He had so much fun playing with her while we were there, and loves her so much.

At home with his zebra, which Nana and Papa gave him for Christmas! He jumps on it like he used to jump in his Jumparoo when he was a baby.

Falling asleep on the couch right before naptime!! This NEVER happens! He must have been real tired from all of the Christmas celebrating.

Reading one of his new books with Mommy.

We can't forget about our Christmas doggies!! Here they are, looking so cute "posing" in front of the tree. It was such a rare moment, I was so glad they didn't move before I got my camera!