The highlight of the weekend was our visit to the Georgia Aquarium on Sunday morning. Harrison had a ball and was so good the entire time we were there. He was truly fascinated with all of the sea life and the water and the colors. He loved walking up to the glass and trying to "touch" everything in there.
Here's Harrison with Jeremy and Susan in front of River Country. He loved that there were fish swimming around on the ceiling, and kept pointing up at them!
In front of the Deepo display, he was fascinated by all the orange!
The tropical fish room. There were tons of brightly colored ones. There was a diver in there for a few minutes too, cleaning the tank and feeding the fish, and Harrison waved at him and he waved back!
The beluga whales were amazing, and Harrison watched them swim around for a long time.
He liked sticking his hands in the pool to pet the stingrays, sharks, etc. The water was cold!
After Jeremy and Jason were done playing pool, we sat Harrison on the table so he could play with the balls and it was hilarious. He loved throwing them around on the table and even was able to put several of them in the pockets!
Here's some more pictures from the last couple of weeks.........
Keeping cool can be a hair-raising experience!
Gracie is still Harrison's best bud. Here he is putting leaves on her back.
Keeping tabs on the neighborhood together.
Future Mozart!